The summit will take place online and offline
Registration consultation
In the era of net-zero and digitalization, it is necessary to rethink the circular economy. Defined by the European Commission as "where the value of products, materials and resources is maintained in the economy for as long as possible, and the generation of waste is minimized," the circular economy aims to decouple economic growth from resource consumption. To achieve more sustainable development models and meet the 2050 Net-zero target, the EU launched a new Circular Economy Action Plan in 2020. The benefits of the circular economy extend beyond achieving climate goals and reducing resource consumption, it also enhances business profitability, creates new commercial opportunities, and improves supply chain resilience. The development of digital technologies provides essential support for achieving cradle-to-cradle cycles in the circular economy.
Transforming the European economy into one that is cleaner and more competitive requires collaborative efforts across industries. This transformation must involve comprehensive and systematic changes, integrating ecological principles into design stages to minimize resource consumption and waste generation. It necessitates coordinated cooperation throughout the entire value chain. The summit aims to facilitate communication and learning among different industries and stakeholders in key areas crucial for advancing the circular economy. Participants will share new insights into achieving circular economy goals, strategies, and proven effective actions. It also serves as a high-quality platform for participants across the value chain to strengthen cooperation, exchange ideas, and explore new business opportunities.