European Sustainable Biofuels Summit 2024
2024.11.27 - 28Dusseldorf, Germany
Future of Biofuels in the EU: Policy and Regulation
Amparo Arellano / Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) / Standards & Certification Director
Sustainable Fuels – Market Outlook and Successful Strategies to Unlock Value for Corporates
Valeria Sterpos / Bain & Company / Vice President
Role of the Airport in establishing a local SAF Supply
Dr. Andreas Kraus / Düsseldorf Airport / Senior Vice President Corporate Development
Take a Green Step forward to Low Carbon Maritime
Manja Ostertag / Bunker Holding / Head of Biofuels
Biofuels HVO and SAF - What's next, Outlook, New Technologies and Regulation
Jörg Hübeler / Neste / Head of Market Development Transportation & Industry
Sustainable Aviation Fuel – the Airline Perspective
Jan Pechstein / Lufthansa / Head of Corporate Emissions Management
Different scale-up strategies to transform an idea to an industrial reality
Dr. GUICHARD Bertrand / IFP Energies nouvelles / Project manager for Biofuels production
The Future of Biofuel Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF)
Dr. Dusita de Hoop / SkyNRG / Future Fuels Analyst
Sustainable Biofuels for Marine Decarbonisation – a Shipowners perspective
Daniel Gent / UECC / Energy & Sustainability Manager
Which Ways to Decarbonize Heavy Duty Transport?
Andrea Gerini / FPT Industrial (Iveco Group) / Head of Open Innovation
Sustainable Heavy-duty Transports with Renewable Fuels
Dr. Monica Johansson / Volvo Group / Fuel and Energy analyst and Hydrogen Infrastructure
What Fits The Process?
Gregor Schaub / BDI-BioEnergy International / Associate Division Director BioFuels & RetroFit
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